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Do lips go inside after braces?

Among the greatest assets you possess is your precious smile. When you smile, you appear more approachable to people you encounter, and it communicates to the world that you are confident. In all honesty, having an overbite causing your top front teeth to protrude can be one of the things that makes you feel nervous about sharing your smile. That’s where braces come to your rescue as the most effective solution. However, a lot of people are worried about their lips going inside after getting braces. Let’s find out the common issues regarding braces.

Common Issues That Can Arise

When people have traditional brackets, they often experience pain on their inside lip and cheek. In addition, chapped lips are another common problem. Many people complain of chapping when their mouth expands due to the braces. Similarly, the face must adjust to the updated braces. However, the patient can do several things to speed up the process and assist themselves during this difficult time. Ensure to ask your chosen dentist about the dos and don’ts of getting braces.

Typically, braces can cause discomfort for people with overbites, which is a major concern. When people have an overbite corrected, they often wonder what happens to their mouths and lips afterward. Even though there can be some discomfort, an experienced orthodontist can minimize the discomfort almost entirely. Make sure you schedule the treatment with a great orthodontist.

Putting it simply, braces can indeed adjust your lips, but only to the extent that your teeth change as well. Braces might make your lips appear fuller or swell them a bit, but that’s not permanent. Nevertheless, braces do not alter the fullness, tone, or shape of your lips. It means your lips won’t go inside after braces.

For more information on the effects of braces on your lips, ensure to consult your trusted dentist.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!