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Can yellow teeth become white again?

A variety of foods, beverages, and aging work together to cause discoloration of our teeth. It is possible for teeth to become yellow due to various sources, including deep and surface stains, as well as other factors that are not always within our control. The discoloration of your teeth may be caused by staining or other factors. Learn how to whiten your teeth with over-the-counter products or by going to a dentist for professional whitening.

What Causes Yellow Teeth?

  • Food and Drinks: 

The dark color of coffee, tea, and wine can cause discoloration of the teeth. In addition, certain fruits and acidic drinks, such as juices and soft drinks, can cause yellowing of the teeth.

  • Thin Enamel: 

It is also possible to have yellow teeth due to thin tooth enamel. Enamel is the hard outer surface of the teeth, and under it, there is a yellow substance called dentine. In contrast to thick enamel, thin enamel allows dentine tones to show through, making teeth appear yellow. As people age, their enamel naturally thins, but acids from foods and drinks also erode their enamel.

  • Smoking: 

Smoking and tobacco products contain particles that stain teeth and adhere to the microscopic pores of tooth enamel. Upon accumulation of these particles, the teeth become discolored, and the discoloration becomes darker and more difficult to remove over time.

  • Dry Mouth: 

As reported by Better Health Channel, saliva neutralizes and washes away the acid. These protective benefits are not available to people who suffer from dry mouth. Those who are chronically dehydrated may not have sufficient saliva to properly moisten their mouths, increasing the risk of wearing away their enamel.

It is important to note that despite the fact that there are numerous causes, sometimes yellow teeth are simply genetic. The color of your teeth can be naturally yellower than those of others. Consult your dental professional if you are concerned about the color of your teeth.

How to Whiten Your Teeth?

No matter how stained or yellow your teeth are, there are many methods available for you to whiten them – gradually or very quickly.

  • Professional Teeth Whitening

To achieve a brilliantly pearly white smile in a matter of days, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist for an in-office whitening treatment. It is likely that your dentist will use a teeth whitener that contains a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. To speed up the whitening process, they may use UV or LED lights or other devices. By the end of the treatment, your teeth will be noticeably whiter. Nevertheless, if your teeth have yellowed significantly, your dental professional may suggest more than one treatment.

  • Over-the-counter teeth whitening

Whitening products are readily available in the shops, from strips and pens to mouthwashes and toothpaste. As a result, these whitening products contain a lesser concentration of the whitening agent, and in most cases, the toothpaste contains silica, which is effective in removing surface stains from the enamel.

  • At-Home Teeth Whitening

An at-home whitening kit can be provided by your dental professional, which includes a custom mouth tray and whitening gel containing a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. It is possible to achieve a whiter smile within a few weeks by using mouth trays filled with whitening gel every day for several weeks.

  • Preventing Yellow Teeth

Avoid smoking and limit your intake of espressos, teas, and soft drinks if you wish to keep your teeth white and healthy. To further prevent yellow teeth, use a straw when drinking dark-colored, acidic beverages. After eating or drinking anything acidic, drink plain milk or tap water to help reduce the erosion caused by the acid.

Additionally, brushing and flossing your teeth helps prevent yellow teeth, as does avoiding snacks between meals so that your saliva can help dilute the acids in your mouth. To protect your teeth, use dental products containing fluoride and consult your dentist if you notice any symptoms of dry mouth.

To know more about getting rid of yellow teeth, get in touch with the best dentist and discuss the best options available.