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Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

When Should You Wear a Mouthguard

Mouthguards can help you protect your teeth and gums. Mouthguards come in a variety of styles, but the most comfortable and effective is a personalized mouthguard that is custom-fitted to your teeth. 

Different dental treatments and appliances can be used to protect and maintain your smile, with mouth guards being a popular choice. Mouthguards are available in a variety of sizes and forms, each designed to serve a unique purpose.

We recommend the following mouth guards to protect your teeth and smile!

  • Snore Guard: This mouthguard is for those who have sleep problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea or snoring. You’ll see effects the first night you use it because it’s designed to promote breathing. They function by repositioning your jaws slightly forward.
  • Bite Splint: These are tiny mouthguards that are frequently used during the day. This splint normally just covers your front teeth but helps those who suffer from bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding) relax their TMJ muscles and face muscles naturally to avoid putting extra strain on their teeth.
  • Sports Guard: It’s critical to have a sports mouthguard if your child participates in active sports because they’re more likely to chip, lose, or damage their teeth. You can substantially reduce the need for dental emergencies and even the risk of a concussion by wearing a mouthguard! Mouth Guards can also be used by adults who are engaged in sports activities. 
  • Nightguard: Individuals who clench and grind their teeth at night may require a more robust mouthguard. Because it goes over both your lower and upper arch, this mouthguard is thicker and works as a cushion between your teeth. Wearing this decreases joint pain and teeth wear. 

When it comes to mouth protection, the correct kind of custom mouth guard is a wise investment. You should make an appointment with a specialist to learn more about which type of mouthguard might help you.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!